Donate Now
Every dollar counts! Every donation matters! We operate 100% on donations from people like you. None of our volunteers nor our director make any money from this work. A common misconception is that wildlife rehab is paid for by the government. Although small grants are sometimes available, this is usually for enclosures, and the funds run out quickly.
On average we spend well over $500 per month on feeding, care and veterinary services for wildlife. In the busy baby season, we easily spend over $1,000 a month.
We accept Paypal, Venmo, cash. We also appreciate items off of our amazon Wishlist.
We also appreciate being added to your Kroger Community Rewards. Click on the link for more information.
Project wildlife can always use donated items:
Small blankets (no holes) Soft t-shirts
all size towels (no holes) Laundry Detergent
Paper towels Dryer Sheets
All sizes of dog potty pads Newspaper